
Taraxacum pamiricum


Low Water Fairy Gardening
  1. Pot Size: 2-3/8"
  2. Height: 4-6"
  3. USDA Hardiness Zone: 5: -10ºF through -20ºF
  4. Season: April, May, June
  5. Exposure: Bright Sun, Sun, Light Shade
1" double flowers are pure white petals with a yellow center
Availability: In stock

Eeee! you'll say, but wait. This one is a mini and much, much less vigorous. The 1" flowers are double with pure white petals and a yellow center. Great for fairy gardens! Please note that for us, their leaves usually "go bad" once or twice a year but grow out of it without treatment. This may not happen in your area, but they might come that way. Despite, they also bloom up to 3 times for us. As for all plants, we're always open and eager for feedback from other gardeners across the US.

Eeee! you'll say, but wait. This one is a mini and much, much less vigorous. The 1" flowers are double with pure white petals and a yellow center. Great for fairy gardens! Please note that for us, their leaves usually "go bad" once or twice a year but grow out of it without treatment. This may not happen in your area, but they might come that way. Despite, they also bloom up to 3 times for us. As for all plants, we're always open and eager for feedback from other gardeners across the US.

Products specifications
Botanical NameTaraxacum pamiricum
ExposureBright Sun, Sun, Light Shade
Plant Size4-6"
Bloom SeasonApril, May, June
Size Range0" - 6"
Flower Color (Group)White-Cream
Pot Size2-3/8"
USDA Hardiness Zone5: -10ºF through -20ºF, 6: 0ºF through -10ºF, 7: 10ºF through 0ºF, 8: 20ºF through 10ºF, 9: 30ºF through 20ºF
Cut FlowersNo
Attracts Humming BirdsNo
Rabbit ResistantNo
Low WaterYes
Bog PlantNo
Bare RootNo
Fairy GardeningYes
US NativeNo
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